We are currently installing "chimemeas" or chimneys in homes in the town of Chiquimulia, Guatemala and other villages. Many families in these impoverished areas do not have a proper stove, chimney and ventilation system which often times leads to respiratory illnesses and blindness. For about $200 per household, you can help us install a stove, build a chimney and create a ventilation system. You can partner with us by donating any amount!
Dionicio and his wife Marta live in Chiquimulia, Santa Rosa and need a stove and chimney to be able to prepare meals for their family!
Onelia lives with her 4 children in Chiquimulia, Santa Rosa and is in need of a stove and a proper ventilation system for her health and the health of her children.
Dionicio's family is the recipient of the very FIRST stove and "chimney"! They can now cook their meals without worrying about the long-lasting health effects for their family. Thank you to our generous donors and partners!
Remember Onelia and her family? She also received her very own firewood stove, with a proper ventilation system. She would like to first and foremost, thank God, and her brothers and sisters of "Be the Light Missions", for the generous contribution!